Adding custom Job Roles:
Adding custom roles is a great way to customise your platform to meet the needs of your business - here's a handy guide on how to do it!
1. Go to Job Roles page (under the Users page panel option).
2. Select Add Job Role, to open the pop-up and add a role.
Success! You'll be able to search for your Job Role, using the in-page search.
Editing custom Job Roles
1. Select the 3-dot option on your chosen Job Role > select Edit.
2. Once you've edited the name, select Update Job Role.
Note✨: It's important to remember the following points:
You can only edit custom Job Roles - those that have been added by your team members. You won't have the permission to edit default HowNow Channels - the edit option won't appear.
The default HowNow Job Roles will appear in your data table, only once you've added them to at least one User, for the first time.
Adding Users with a Job Role to a Group:
To add Users with a certain Job Role to a Group, you can either...
a) Click on the three dots next to the Job Role > click Add to Group > select your chosen Learning Group > click Add to Group.
b) Select multiple Job Roles > click on the Groups icon > add your chosen Learning Group > click Add to Group.
Deleting Job Roles:
If you want to delete any Job Roles, you can do so by either...
a) Clicking on the three dots next to the Job Role > clicking Delete > you'll need to confirm by clicking Delete on the pop-up.
b) Selecting multiple Job Roles at once and clicking on the Dustbin icon > you'll need to confirm by clicking Delete on the pop-up.
Note✨: After removed someone from a custom Job Role, it will still remain in the data table, with no User assigned - this is expected.
Take a look at our video tutorial for a visual walk-through:
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