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Aaron-Spencer avatar
1 author16 articles
How to Top-up your Learning RequestLearn how to use the Request Top-up feature to make changes to a Learning Request you've sent to be approved.
Adding/Removing Lessons and its impactFind out how adding or removing a Lesson, will impact the assigned Users and any insights associated with the Course.
Introducing ReviewsGet invaluable feedback from your Users with Reviews!
Leaving a ReviewLearn how to give useful feedback to enhance the learning experience across your organisation, by leaving Reviews.
Check your Review ReportsUnderstand the data surrounding Reviews, to make the best adjustments to your organisation's learning content.
How to endorse your team members' SkillsYour Users hold an array of Skills that Managers and Admin can endorse on their own accord - here's how...
How to use HowNow Smart NudgesNotifications sent to remind you to keep your teams engaged and learning!
How to edit a Budget's assigned GroupsEnsure that your Budgets reach as many of the right Groups, at the right time needed to enhance their learning experience.
How to view Content HistoryTrack changes made to Nuggets, Courses and more with Content History logs.
How to update Users' Skills without an endorsement requestManager-led Skills means keeping your Users' Skill sets in-line with their development needs, has never been easier!
How to create a Sequential PathwaySequential Pathways make learning more structured to easily upskill your Users, in the right direction!
How to use the Timed Assessment optionTest your Users' ability to complete Assessments within a controlled time limit.
How to set Markers for an AssessmentSet the right knowledge experts as Markers to review and score Users' Assessment submissions.
How to control Content VisibilityMake decision on where your content is seen by your team members.
How to use Expert SearchImprove your knowledge and enhance your Skills, by reaching our to your Experts.
Understanding how Time Spent Learning is trackedUnderstand how inactivity influences how time is tracked for your Users' learning.