All Users across your organisation will be able to benefit from a Learning Budget, as they look to upskill within, or beyond, their role.
As an Admin or Manager, you can create multiple Learning Budgets for your Groups, and assign the desired Budget Owners. To get started...
1. Go to your Dashboard and select the Budget page.
2. Click the Add Budget button, to open the pop-up.
3. Fill the required fields on the pop-up, with the information for your Budget.
Budget Name - What your Users will see when they select to request learning.
Amount Per User - This can be set as one of the currencies listed from the drop-down menu.
Recurring - This allows you to add a Budget to your Group's learning on a Monthly, Quarterly or Annual basis.
Start Date - The date the Budget commences.
Groups - You can assign your Learning Budget to one or multiple Groups. If you want to assign a Budget exclusively to an individual, make a separate Group for them. For example:
Group name = "Jane Smith's Budget"
Budget name = "Jane Smith's Budget 2023"
Budget Owner - This is the person responsible for approving/rejecting the Learning Requests, sent by the Users within the assigned Groups, and updating the Budget's settings.
You can have more than one Budget Owner (a max of 50).
Budget Owners can only be Admins or Managers.
You can edit the Budget Owner(s) at any time - via the Budget page**
4. Click the Add Budget button, to set it live. All Users of the Groups assigned to the Budget, will see the Budget option as a choice, when requesting learning.
**Editing the Budget Owner
Once a Budget becomes active, and a User has used it to make a request, the Budget Owners can amend exactly who remains, or is removed, as an Owner. There must always be at least one User managing the Budget.
If a User sends a learning request to a an Owner, who is later removed before being able to approve it, then the remaining Budget Owner will be able to see this on the Requests page.
Lorraine is the primary Budget Owner of Jules' Budget
Lorraine then adds Gus as the second Budget Owner
Jules requests learning using this Budget > sends it to Gus
Lorraine however, removes Gus as a Budget Owner
Lorraine will still be able see Jules' request on the Requests page
The Users who are requesting learning, will receive a notification, each time a new Budget Owner is added.
Noteโจ: Keep in mind the following points...
When deleting, deactivating or changing the Org User Role of a User - who is the only Budget Owner for one or multiple Budgets - you will be reminded and prevented from doing so. You must edit the relevant Budget Owner settings first.
You'll be able to edit your Budget, even after it's published, with active learning requests, or not. Learn more on this in How to use your Budget Page.
Watch the video below to learn how to add a Learning Budget.
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