This integration requires a license for Easygenerator. If you'd like to trial Easygenerator or find out more - just speak to your HowNow CSM or Account Manager 👍 .
Easygenerator offers seamless integration with HowNow to publish your courses. This option is accessible to all Easygenerator plans, except Free.
Activating your integration with HowNow and Easygenerator
To push your courses to HowNow, you need first to request access to this integration.
Go to the Publish step -> Integrations -> HowNow and click on the Contact us button.
2. After sending your request, the Easygenerator Customer Success Team will be in touch with you via email to finish the setup.
Note✨: The information mentioned in this form will be required for the setup, and our Customer Support Team will also need to configure the custom LRS on the organization level during the integration. This will be configured once for all the courses and the results will not go to the course Gradebook but to your custom LRS.
Publish your course to HowNow
Once the integration is activated, go to the Publish step -> Integrations, and select the HowNow option.
You can then set the course duration and once done, click on the Send to HowNow button to publish your course.
Note✨: The limit on course duration is 999 minutes.
Sending your course to HowNow will automatically publish your course under the Private link option. You should be able to instantaneously see a Smartcard of your course created on the HowNow side.
The Smartcard in HowNow will be using the Easygenerator’s course URL, thumbnail, title, course duration, and description.
Please note that your course will be hosted on Easygenerator’s platform – HowNow will simply provide access to the course’s private link through its Smartcard.
Tip💡: Although not a common occurrence, some Authors may experience that reporting isn't being tracked for their Course. Fear not! As a recommended option (if this was to ever happen) it would be best to publish your Easygenerator Course, as a downloaded SCORM file.
You can do this by clicking...
On the EG "Courses" tab, select SCORM/xAPI
Select the appropriate settings in the option box presented
Download the content as either of the three SCORM file types - HowNow supports all of these:
SCORM 2004
xAPI package
Doing the above is a useful fall-back in any scenario whereby you may face temporary reporting issues, when creating Easygenerator Courses via the Integrations method.
Best practice - as with any tech software - is to run one or two tests (whether it's integrations that you've set up, or other types of implementations) before you officially use them for your Users/learners.
Your Courses on HowNow
Once you've published your course to HowNow, it will be sent directly to the Studio as a Draft. This allows for the necessary updates, such as Channel and User assignments, or Deadlines, etc.
You'll also notice the Easygenerator option from within the Studio, which takes you back to your Easygenerator homepage, should you want to create new content.
Upon clicking the content card, you'll be taken to the Studio Editor. From here, start editing the content, just like any other standard HowNow content type, with the following exceptions (due to the Course being created within EG itself)...
Course Name
Short Description
(Long) Description
Cost Per Learner
Course Editor
Course Duration
Enabling Discussions
Renewal Cycle
Once published from within the HowNow Studio, insights for your Easygenerator course will appear on the Content page, of your Dashboard panel.
From here, you can select the 3-dot menu to edit, unpublish and delete the content.
Check-out the following walk-through video, below...
❗Important to remember: Easygenerator doesn't have technical capabilities to reset a User's progress, therefore the Renewal Cycle/Expiry Date feature cannot be set for Easygenerator Courses.
For this reason, if Compliance training is your use case, the Easygenerator integration won't be the appropriate option. Instead, Authors can use the standard Course option on HowNow.
Updating your courses: Editing on Easygenerator
The Edit option for the 3-dot menu on the Content page, will allow you to update the Easygenerator course, as you would any other content type within the Studio Editor. If you want to make any changes to the actual EG course itself, after it's been published on HowNow, you'll need to return to Easygenerator. Click on the Update course button to apply the changes in the private link as well as the HowNow Smartcard.
If you simply changed the course duration, click on the Resend to HowNow button to update it.
❗Also important to remember: Please note that clicking the Update course button will NOT send the course to HowNow, for courses that were already published before HowNow was enabled for your account. If a course was already published via the Private link (or any other publishing option), you will need to go to the Integrations option under the Publish step and then click on the Send to HowNow option to publish the course on this platform.
Updating your courses: Unpublishing/Deleting from HowNow
When unpublishing Easygenerator (EG) content from HowNow, it's important to remember the following impact this will have on your reporting data...
Data present in the Content page insights table, will remain stored on HowNow, prior to the course being unpublished.
Users won't have access to the course via HowNow, however, they can still access it and continue learning directly via Easygenerator.
Learning done via EG while the course has been unpublished from HowNow, will not be captured, nor sent through to HowNow, during or after this time.
Once the course is republished to HowNow, the newest learning data - from Users doing the course after the point of republishing - will start to be sent through to HowNow again.
When unpublishing Easygenerator (EG) content from EG itself...
Users in HowNow will no longer be able to access the content, and data won't be collected.
When deleting Easygenerator (EG) content from HowNow...
All data will be permanently removed from your organisation's HowNow workspace.
Republishing this same content from Easygenerator to HowNow, will cause the content to be treated as an entirely new course on HowNow. Any previous data, progress tracking, etc., won't be transferred over, but instead, the new learning data will start to be recorded.
When deleting Easygenerator (EG) content from EG itself...
Any course deleted from Easygenerator will remain published on HowNow. This means Users will still have access to it, from within HowNow.
Reporting data won't be sent through to HowNow, as the original source has been permanently removed. However, data from before this change, will be stored.
Tracking can only continue, once content is published again in EG - it's at this point that EG becomes synced again with HowNow.
Reporting on Easygenerator Assessments
Tracking Assessment completion is made easy thanks to the Export option made available, via the Assessments page. The data obtained from the file download, will be presented in a clearer format than is originally given by Easygenerator, itself.
Select the Export button, then Gradebook. This will result in an email being sent to you, allowing you to download the CSV file from the link provided.
Within the email, the link to download the CSV file will be valid for up to 72 hours from receiving it.
Once opened, your CSV file will display fields showcasing the status, score, answers given and more - easy for you to report your findings to team leads, and L&D.
Note✨: It's important to remember the following points...
Easygenerator Assessments won't appear as an entry on the Assessments page data table, if no interaction has occurred on Easygenerator.
Tracking on HowNow isn't possible for questions that haven't been answered by the User on Easygenerator.
Within the Gradebook CSV file, you will see the following entries that are based on EG's own reporting experience:
"1" - this number represents a correct answer
"0" - this number represents an incorrect answer
"-" - the hyphen means that no answer was submitted.
When Users retake an EG Assessment, their entry within the HowNow data table will be updated. The retake won't cause a new entry (row) to be created each time.
Courses published on EG before the HowNow integration was activated, will still be exportable, when Users complete it.
For more on how to use Easygenerator, as an authoring tool, visit the EG help centre, here: