There are 3 main ways to find the content you need - and they're all amazing (even if we do say so ourselves). If what you're looking for isn't available on the homepage - here's how to surface it...
You can find content assigned to you, important announcements, upcoming events and your essential compliance training, all via your Learning page.
On this page you'll see all of these different types of learning, categorised under the following tabs:
All - A clean overview of all the various content types you have been assigned to, enabling you to keep track of what you've progressed with, and what needs more focus.
Must Do - See all content shared that has been labelled as highly important. This will be content you need to read, complete or engage with, as a priority.
Announcements - Content shared by your team. Often important changes occurring within your organisation, or introducing new hires.
Upcoming - Check your events (Live Classes, Webinars, Events) that have been assigned to you.
History - All the content you've completed (will remain here, unless deleted or unpublished by the Author). If unassigned from a content item, that you've completed, you will still be able to see it within your Learning page, but not have access to it. This is to ensure you can keep an accurate record of completion, should this be raised by your Managers in the future.
You can apply filters to help you look for the specific content you need.
These options include...
Search for it
Our genius smart search will surface results from any content available to you, Channels of content you might be interested in AND any content from your connected Apps too! π₯³
Our auto-complete will give you immediate suggestions, but if you want to browse, hit Enter and enjoy another layer of filters to dig in deep.
You'll be able to view the following from the search results page:
[Your Organisation's Name] - all internal content published by your organisation's Authors.
From the Web - all RSS-feed content (article, videos, podcasts, etc.)
Your Content Library (Udemy, Coursera, etc.) if - courses from your organisation's content library.
Channels - any Channels featuring all or part of the search term. You can subscribe by clicking the tick icon on the Channel's card.
There is also an Experts tab that will only be visible, if your workspace Admin has enabled the Expert Search feature. This allows Users to search for subject-matter experts, from within their organisation. Learn more at How to understand Expert Search.
Noteβ¨: Some points to remember for searching, include:
You can use all, or part, of a search term, to find any type of the above results. For example:
"Learning Designers" is the Course
"design" and "designer" will cause the Course to be shown.
Results are shown based on 'weight points' - the higher the points (1-10), the more relevant it is to your search term, and will appear higher:
Internal content
Course title = 10
Author = 9
Assigned Users Names' = 9 (but very rare to search this way)
Subtitle = 4
Short Description = 4
Lesson content = 3
Assessment Title = 3
For Pathways specifically, you can expect the following:
Title = 10
Short Description = 4
Section title = 3
Short Description of a Section = 3
Author = 9
Not Searchable:
Lesson title (from content added to the Pathway)
Assessment title
Lesson content
Assessment content
Long descriptions
Third-party content
RSS title = 10
RSS Publisher name = 10
Content Libraries name = 10 (LinkedIn, Udemy, Coursera, etc)
Course tags (where appliable) = 5
Description = 4
For example: You search for "sales marketing training". Content that matches (it contains all three words as one keyword). will appear first.
Followed by those that match two words.
Followed by those that only match one.
Content cards shown for each of the search result pages, will show in batches of 12. As you scroll, each batch will load, to give an infinite scroll experience.
If you're searching for content that you've created as an Author - or you're the Collaborator or Verifier of this content - and have not been assigned to it as a learner, you'll only be able to see the chosen content, in its Preview Mode. The same applies for Users with Admin Org User Roles.
For workspaces that have Content Libraries integrated, only the courses included in your organisation's subscription, will be searchable. Your subscription's admin cannot control what is made visible/searchable, as some content creators on Udemy/Coursera, etc., can independently make their courses private.
Content Libraries
When searching for courses by one of your integrated content library providers (LinkedIn, Udemy, Coursera, etc.), you can use the top-right filter option, to surface courses by language (if available in that language).
We've got a quick video of the above search options shown in this article, so far...
Use the Slack App, MS Teams App or Browser Extension!
Find access to your content in seconds, by using one of the following additions to the web app:
Use the "/" command on Slack to find what you're looking for.
Use the "@hownow" command on MS Teams to search and share.
Pop open the HowNow Browser Extension and get contextual recommendations OR search - easier than ever.
Browser Extension's Google Search Results
If you've installed the Extension, you can find available learning resources on HowNow, while making searches for the same topics, on Google!
Search by: Title > followed by Description > then the text within the content > and lastly the Author's Name.
Content is ranked by showing content in the following order: Title > Author Name > Description > Content Text.
Slack App or MS Teams App Search
Search by: Title > followed by Description > then the text within the content > and lastly the Author's Name.
Content is ranked by showing content in the following order: Title > Author Name > Description > Content Text.
HowNow Browser Extension Search
Search by: Title > followed by Description > then the text within the content > and lastly the Author's Name.
Content is ranked by showing content in the following order: Title > Author Name > Description > Content Text.
Check out our video guide below, for an overview of the above sections...
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