To turn content into Premium Content for your Users, follow the easy steps outlined in our tutorial below - this is especially useful if you're inviting external speakers or hosts to an Event or external assessors to Courses.
When creating your Course/Live Class/Webinar or Event, head to the initial Information step:
1. Go to the Cost Per Learner section, and select your desired currency.
2. Input your cost and - if required - Add Currency, to add further costs and currencies. To remove a currency select the ( - ) removal icon next to it.
3. Select Save & Continue to save your changes, and continue editing your content.
4. From the content's landing page, assigned learners will be able to Request approval to spend their Learning Budget, on the cost of the Course/Live Class/Webinar/Event.
5. Users will be able to click the pricing option, on the content's landing page, to view any of the other currencies included by the Author. Users can only request learning in the currencies listed, otherwise, they will receive a pop-up notifying them that their Budget doesn't have the relevant currency.
6. You'll receive a notification that a learner has requested learning. Open this notification to activate the Request Information pop-up, to approve or reject it.
Alternatively, head to the Dashboard > Tasks page > select the Learning Request and Pending filters.
5. Approve or Reject the request by clicking the tick icon.
Noteโจ: It's important to note these two points...
If content has a Renewal Cycle applied, the User will only be charged once, and not each time the content is renewed upon completion.
Users won't be able to request approval for Premium Content if the currency for their Learning Budget is different to that of the Course.
Take a look at our video tutorial (using a Course example) for a visual walk-through:
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