Users who’ve completed mandatory courses, such as compliance or health and safety training, need the peace-of-mind that their learning has been confirmed as completed. This is the same for their Managers.
So, to alleviate such worries, Managers, Admins and Collaborators can only Mark as Complete content such as Courses, SCORM Courses, Nuggets and also HowNow+ Courses that their Users have done - ready for any future organisation audits.
Note✨: The first points to remember before reading on...
Managers can only use this feature for Users who they are in the same Group(s) as.
Pathways cannot be marked as complete.
Marking as Complete from the Content sub-page
Select the User’s 3-dot menu in the Name column > select Mark as Complete
In the Completion Date pop-up, you can select any date from the past until present.
In the Progress column, you’ll see the Completion Date get updated (15 Jun, below).
Once this action has been taken, any Custom Rules that had been applied to the content, will still work as expected. For Courses, all progress on the View Details slide-out screen, will also be updated.
Note✨: The following points should be kept in mind...
Any Assessments within a Course, will automatically be given a 100% pass mark, by default.
Users who are In Progress with their Assessment, will have their progress reset, put to 100% pass mark. Only Time Spent will be tracked from the beginning, with it equally distributed between Lessons.
If Users had previously taken an Assessment externally, and passed but scored less than 100%, you can use the Tags column to label the score, and make other Managers/Admins aware.
You can bulk Mark as Complete, by selecting the option, after highlighting the checkbox for the relevant Users.
Multi-language SCORM
Users will have multiple SCORM files to choose from, when learning this type of content. This means, marking as Complete, will take just one of the files within the course, and show this as completed.
💡Tip: Sometimes, team members may re-prioritise their learning based on a variety of factors: from changing deadlines, or shifts in their Job Role, to content difficulty. So to combat important learning being missed (Expiry Date or not), why not implement comms to remind and encourage Users to complete content?
How?: Set calendar reminders that are sent to all Admins/Managers, reminding them to share comms to their Users (whether by Group or individually). This can be via either of the following two means:
Direct messages: Admins/Managers can use the HowNow messaging feature to send direct messages to their Users, which will be received in their HowNow chat inbox and as an email notification.
Company newsletters: In your organisation's fortnightly, monthly, or quarterly company newsletter, there can include a designated compliance training or "essential content" section, highlighting what needs to be done by all Users.
You may even wish to create newsletter solely dedicated to compliance/essential content, or a newsletter per Group.
Renewal Cycle (Expiry Date)
Marking a User as Complete, on a Course that has a Renewal Cycle/Expiry Date will reset that User’s renewal date, from the date the Author completed the action.
For example:
Course A is assigned to the User B on 20 July
Renewal Cycle of 1 month begins
User B has Not Started or In Progress status
Author marks as Complete on 5 August
The Expiry Date for User B starts from 5 August (for 1 month)
The Mark as Complete option can be used when a Course has the status of Not Started or In Progress (whether Overdue or not).
Note✨: The Overdue status only appears when content has a Deadline added to it.
For example...
"Marketing 101" Course has a Deadline of 20 December.
Gavin has not completed the content by the Deadline date.
Gavin's progress status will update to Overdue.
When there's no Deadline on the Course that has a Renewal Cycle set, then the progress will update from Completed to Not Started.
If a Course doesn't have an Expiry Date/Renewal Cycle applied - and the User has a Not Started progress status - the Author and Admins can Mark as Complete, choosing any date in the past (no restrictions on how far back the date can be).
If a Course does have an Expiry Date/Renewal Cycle applied - and the User has a Not Started progress status - the Author and Admins can Mark as Complete, only able to choose a date in the past, that reflects the Renewal Cycle option chosen when creating the Course.
For example...
Legal Proceedings 101 Course was created with 1 month Renewal set.
2 Months later (10 July), the User still hasn't started this Course.
The Author can update the User's Completion Date, but the pop-up will only go as far back as 1 month, from the present date/today.
So, the Author can select any date between 10 June - 10 July.
...For Past Records (meaning the first and following times the User completes the Course just before Expiry/Renewal hits), the following is true...
>> User has no Past Record - the Author/Admins can choose any date from starting the present, back to any date in the past.
For example...
Vanessa completed “Cyber Security Essentials” outside of HowNow.
This means her status is Not Started, as it wasn’t recorded learning in HowNow.
The Author/Admins can Mark as Complete to ensure Vanessa’s Completion Date and Status are finally recorded in HowNow, for tracking.
Completion can now be set to any date in the past.
>> User has at least 1 Past Record - the Author/Admins can only choose a date between the last Completion Date (and not before this) and the current date.
For example…
The “Onboarding” Course was assigned to Francis on 30 November 2022 (Annual Expiry Date set).
Francis completed the Course on 1 December 2022.
The new Expiry Date becomes 1 December 2023 (his 2022 Completion becomes a Past Record).
After 1 December 2023 the Expiry Date hits and the Course Completion status is reset to Overdue.
The Author can choose any time between 1 December 2022 and present day, to Mark as Complete and update the status.
There will be an "i" icon on the slide-out screen of the Completion Date column, located next to the entries within the Past Records tab. This icon can also be found on the...
Group Learning History sub-page > Progress slide-out screen + Completion Date column.
Users sub-page > Learning History > Date Completed column.
This will appear if the completion has been marked manually by the Author/Admins.
Note✨: Point to note here include...
You can’t select a Completion Date that’s before the last recorded Completion, nor can you select a date in the future, before your current date (today).
SCORM Courses with no User attempts, that are being manually marked as complete for the first time, won't have any of its associated Assessment records created, to begin with. If a User later takes the same SCORM Course and the SCORM Cloud is recording Assessment records, these will then be created for all the manually marked Users, as well.
When deciding which Completion Date to set - although this may be obvious in most cases - it’s important to remember that the Expiry Date set, determines when the User will need to renew their learning, before it expires.
For example…
“Reporting Essentials” was set with a 10-day Renewal Cycle.
The Author goes to Mark as Complete Stacey’s progress.
The option shows the maximum of 10 dates back, from today (19 Nov).
Completion is set to 10 Nov > Course expires 20 Nov (tomorrow) > User must re-do it (today).
Completion is set to 15 Nov > Course expires 25 Nov > User has 5 days from today to re-do it.
Completion is set to 19 Nov (today) > Course expires 29 Nov > User has 10 days from today to re-do it.
Bulk Mark as Complete
You can also use the bulk option to Mark as Complete the statuses of multiple Courses/SCORM Courses that have Renewal Cycle Expiry Dates.
Selecting multiple Users and clicking the tick icon that appears (just above the Name column), will open the date selection pop-up, from which the Completion Date can be chosen and applied to the multiple Users.
If there are reasons for not being able to do the action, the following explanations will be given...
The selected Completion Date is earlier than the previous completion date
The User no longer has access to the content
The selected content is a Pathway or from a Learning Library
Once completed, the Completion Date column will display an "i" tooltip icon. This will tell which team member updated the Completion Date, and on which date.
Premium Course
The Mark as Complete option won’t appear on the Content sub-page for Premium Courses, if:
The User hasn’t requested Learning to access the Course
The User’s request is Pending
Once the request has been approved, the option will appear for the Admin/Manager.
A Reason pop-up will appear after the Completion Date pop-up. This ensures that the Author/Admin, while accessing the content from the sub-page, is informed/reminded that the content is premium.
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