Challenging your team members’ abilities to retain lots of information, and recall it quickly, is an essential component in the growth of their personal and professional development.
The Timed Assessment feature gives Authors and Collaborators the chance to test Users on the learning material they’ve studied, and seeing where they’re at.
Upon creating your Assessment, click the Settings button to open the Assessment Settings pop-up.
Turn on the toggle button to Set a time limit for the assessment.
You will be able to set a maximum duration of 5 hours.
A minimum duration of 5 minutes.
Place “0” in the Hours box, even if your time limit is in minutes only - as completing both boxes is required.
Click Save to submit your choice.
Note✨: Despite an Assessment already having a time limit set, Authors can still go back and update it, while it’s being completed by Users. The updated time limit won’t affect Users who’ve already started. For example…
Time Limit is set to 10 minutes
User Tom begins the Assessment
Author then updates the time limit to 20 minutes
User Tom will still have 10 minutes to complete it (and won’t receive more time)
On the Course landing page, the assigned User will see a timer logo, in the bottom corner of the Assessment card. This time shown is static, representing the overall time limit that was given by the Author. Only the timer inside the Course will change as it counts down.
Once started, the User will be presented with a reminder message, explaining that although the Assessment is timed, the time can be paused by closing the Assessment. Closing an Assessment is defined as:
Clicking the Exit button in the top corner of the page.
Clicking the back navigation button in your browser.
Closing your browser via the (x) button.
Selecting Start Assessment will activate the clock (see top corner of below image). If the User leaves, then later returns to the Assessment, the time will resume.
Once the time has been reached, the Time’s Up! pop-up will appear, confirming that the Assessment has now been locked and submitted as Completed.
When creating the Assessment, the Author will be able to set up one or multiple Users (Admins, Managers and Contributors) as Markers responsible for reviewing and scoring the test. The list of available Markers will appear as a drop-down list, for the User to choose from.
This option won’t appear visible, if it has not been enabled by the Author.
Note✨: If a User attempts to open the same Assessment in any of the following ways, they will receive the below message and be restricted from accessing the Assessment
From another window in the same browser
From a different browser
From another device of any type (a different computer/laptop/mobile device)
Closer of the Assessment due to technical difficulties resulting in loss of internet connection
An exception is if the Assessment is opened in multiple tabs of the same browser - all timers will sync and countdown at the same time.
As expected, Users won’t be able to make amendments to their answers, once their Assessment has been submitted.
Assessments Page (insights)
On the Assessments page, Managers and Admins will be able to see the Duration column with a time value, for any Assessments published with a time limit.
Clicking on an Assessment will take you to its sub-page, where the Time Spent column will show how long each User took to complete the test.
For Users completing a timed Assessment, the mobile experience follows the same steps as found within the web app.
The timer will pause on mobile, whenever Users, do one of the following:
Switch to another mobile app (have the HowNow app running in the background)
Exit the Assessment
Swipe to another lesson
Close the HowNow app
Check out our video tutorial below...