How to create Assessments

Multiple Choice? Open Answer? Multimedia? Question Bank? Follow-up learning with questions to reinforce what Users have studied.

Aaron-Spencer avatar
Written by Aaron-Spencer
Updated over a week ago

Testing your Users' knowledge is a fundamental part of the upskilling process. You can use Assessments to identify how well your teams understand the content, that they're learning.

To create an Assessment and use the Question Bank feature. Create a Course and follow these steps:

  1. In the Course Editor select Add Assessment.

  2. Select your chosen Assessment type, from the following options:

Multiple Choice Questions

  • The pop-up will appear, from which you can enter your question (and use the Text Editor, to stylise it).

  • You can add multiple potential answers, by clicking the Add another answer option.

  • Select the Correct answer button, to set the correct answer, and set the marks earned.

Click Add Question, to finish.

Open Answer Questions

  • In the pop-up, you will be able to set your question, using the Text Editor.

  • Set a Character Limit, to ensure Users can write detailed answers.

  • Set the marks gained for answering the question.

Click Add Question to finish.

Multimedia Question

For Multimedia Questions, Users will be able to upload files, to complete the assignment. These include PDF, Image, Video, Audio and Documents (Word Document, Excel sheet, etc).

  • Enter your question in the first text box, followed by a description (designed to give instructions to Users about how they should answer the question and what to include a part of their multimedia upload).

  • Type of file - Choose which multimedia option you want your Users to upload (a video presentation? A PDF of infographics?)

Note ✨: Authors can upload the following content types, at a maximum size of:

  • Images: 12MB

  • Video: 7GB

When answering a multimedia assessment, Users can upload their answer/task in any of the available content types, at a maximum of 25MB.

Set the marks gained and click Add Question.

Add Existing Questions

The Existing Questions pop-up will show your list of Assessment questions, from your Question Bank.

Only questions from Courses you are an Author or Collaborator on, will be shown to you (If you're an Admin, you can see it all)

1. You'll be able to search for questions, using the following two techniques:

  • Typing the name of the Assessment into the search bar.

  • Typing the Course name, if you already know which one holds the assessment question(s) you're looking for.

2. Click the filter button to open the three given filter options:

  • Date Created - Select your start date and drag your cursor to the end date.

  • Question Type - All Types, MCQ, Open Answer, Multimedia.

  • Assessments - You can search for a specific Assessment from here, by typing or selecting from a drop-down list.

3. Click on the question you first wish to preview. This will appear on the right-hand side. It will give you an exact idea of how Users will see the content.

4. Once happy, click the checkbox next to your question (or select the checkbox next to the Course name, to select all its Assessments at once) and choose Add Questions.

Note: If you duplicate an Existing Question, then changing the original, the changes won't be carried over to any of your duplicated versions. This is because they are carbon copies, based on the exact time they were made.

5. You can reorder your questions, by selecting the re-order dots, next to your questions.

6. Click Continue to open the Assessment Settings pop-up. You can edit the following options, which can be toggled on and off at any time:

  • Add post-submission message: The message Users will see after they've submitted their Assessment. This section is mandatory, but doesn't have a word count limit.

  • Add Deadline: The date and time, by which the Assessment must be submitted. You can click the field to open the calendar and time options, to set.

Note✨: There are two types of Deadlines, which should not be confused - a Course Deadline and an Assessment Deadline. It's important to remember that:

  • Course Deadline - once a Deadline is added to a Course itself...

    • Users will be able to complete any Assessment inside of it - and in turn complete the Course - even when it appears as Overdue.

  • Assessment Deadline - a separate Deadline specifically tied to an Assessment...

    • Users won't be able to complete the Assessment, and will see red text showcasing the date and time of the original deadline passed.

    • In the case of the Assessment Deadline, the Author would need to update it, to provide all of the Overdue Users another attempt at completing the Assessment. This amendment of the Assessment's Deadline Date, won't affect the score/completion of any User who had already passed the first time 'round.

  • Set a Passmark: This consists of two options.

    • Passing Score - the percentage needed in order to pass the Assessment.

    • User must pass to complete assessment - the checkbox that ensures Users won't be able to complete the Assessment, if the Passing Score isn't reached.

Note ✨ : It's recommended that if Users have already submitted their answers, the Author should create a separate Assessment, should they want to change the User must pass to complete assessment checkbox.

  • Enable Retakes: This section will open, once the User must pass to complete assessment option, is selected. You can set the number of times Users can retake the test. The maximum number of retakes you can submit is 100.

Note : Users can't retake an Assessment, once it's been:

  • Submitted and passed

  • Submitted and is awaiting to be marked

  • All retakes have been exhausted.

It's important to remember that once the passmark has been set, and at least one User has begun the Assessment, the Author will be prevented from changing these settings.

This still stands, even if:

  • The Assessment is unpublished for editing

  • The one engaged User is later unassigned or deactivated

Exceptions include:

  • If the "User must pass to complete assessment" checkbox is ticked: The only elements that can be changed by the Author, are the enablement/disablement of Retakes and the Limit Retake Count.

  • If the "User must pass to complete assessment" checkbox is not ticked: The Retakes button and Limit Retake Count field, will not appear - reinforcing that making amendments after a User has already started, is prohibited.

  • If the Passmark toggle button is turned off: The Author will still be able to turn it on, later, even after a User has begun the Assessment.

  • If the one User that's begun the Assessment is deleted: The Author will be able to turn on the Passmark toggle button and User must pass... checkbox will be available again.

Click Save & Return to Course Editor, to complete your setup.

For more on the impact of adding or removing Assessments and their Questions, read our article: Adding/Removing Lessons and its impact.

Watch our video tutorial, for the above steps.

Depending on what you're creating an Assessment for, you can use the settings below to help make it easier!

Pass mark


User Must Pass?


Recurring course with an enforceable score
(e.g compliance)




As Needed

Recurring courses with informal knowledge checks
(e.g refresher course)




As Needed

Non-recurring courses with an enforceable score

(e.g one-off compliance)


As Needed


As Needed

Non Recurring courses with informal knowledge checks

(e.g one-off optional course)


As Needed


As Needed

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