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How to share a Nugget

The power of HowNow is through microlearning! Share a Nugget with your team to get going and share what's in that beautiful head.

Ryan Collier avatar
Written by Ryan Collier
Updated over 11 months ago

A Nugget is small but mighty - small pieces of knowledge that you need in a short space of time - essential microlearning but powerful to improve the way you work!

On the Web App

  1. To get going, select the (+) icon on your workspace, and select Create Nugget.

2. In the Nugget editor, you can start to edit the following:

  • Header image - this will be visible at the top of the Nugget, once published.

Your header's dimension should be set to: 1040 x 260 pixels or 440 x 360 (or a ratio of 1:4).

  • Update your Nugget Name by clicking the pencil icon - titles have a maximum of 95 characters.

  • Add your Content (Text, Images, Videos, Audio, Embed Code, Files, Links and even Existing Content to create a Playlist)

3. Select Save & Continue or Settings, to open the Settings pop-up.

  • Short Description - a brief overview of the content, visible on the content card.

  • Channels - one or multiple Channels assigned to the Nugget.

  • Nugget Duration - the time it should take Users to complete the content (in hours and/or minutes).

  • Language - the language(s) the Course is in. Shown via the insights data tables.

  • Skills - the Skills Users will gain, and can later add, via their Profile page.

  • Collaborators - responsible for helping the Author create and edit the content.

  • Verifier and Verification Interval - the User who checks the relevance of the content, after the time-frame chosen.

  • **Share with... - assigning your individuals and/or Groups.

  • Discussions - recommended for increasing social learning, and thus engagement.

  • Content Visibility - this option allows you to choose how your Nugget is made visible to (or is hidden from) your Users, while they navigate across their workspace.

To understand more about Content Visibility, check out our article: How to control Content Visibility

  • Set Release Date - makes your Nugget available immediately, or on a select date.

4. Hit Publish and you're done!

Note✨: **Once your Nugget is published, you'll be able to quickly assign Users, Custom Rules and Groups, via the Content insights page, using the Assign Learners step shortcut.

  • Select the 3-dot menu for your Nugget and choose Assign Learners.

  • This will open the assignment slide-out screen, revealing the same details as shown in the editor. Some exceptions include:

    • Email notifications toggle: this will need to be controlled within the editor

    • Assignment via Pathways: this will show the number of Pathways your content is featured in, but to expand the list, you will need to go into the editor.

  • Select Update Learners to make your changes. A notification will appear in the bottom-right of the screen, confirming your assignment as updated.

In the flow of work

Reading an interesting article or want to share something immediately? Use the HowNow Browser Extension.

  1. Visit your website/application of choice, within your browser.

  2. Click on the HowNow Browser extension logo, to open it.

  3. Select the (+) icon to Add to HowNow.

  4. The Browser Extension will automatically populate the Nugget fields, by identifying the headings, sub-headings and URL of the page.

  5. When ready, select Add Nugget.

    Remember✨: For content that is already published: if you want to schedule it to become available at a later date, you will need to do the following: Unpublish the content > set the scheduled date > click "Publish" in order to (re)publish the content.

Take a look at our video guide below:

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