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How to understand your Users page
How to understand your Users page

Managing Users and checking seeing insight into their learning has never been easier!

Ryan Collier avatar
Written by Ryan Collier
Updated over a month ago

See information around your Users easily - here's how it's done:

Users page

Go to Dashboard > Users. At the top of the page, there are four summary cards representing:

Total Seats

The number of invitations that have been sent out to Users.

Available Seats
The number of seats you have available for sending User invites.

Unclaimed Invites How many Users you've sent invites to, who are not yet active (have not logged in).

Active Users
The number of Users who've logged in - for the first time.

From your list of active Users, click the three-dot option next to a User's name. This allows you to...

  • Edit - a User's Name, Job role, Group(s) and Org User Role

Note✨: You won't be able to edit the Email Address field: this can be done by the User via My Profile > Settings tab, if they have been added manually and not via HRIS.

  • Message - contact this User directly.

  • Delete - permanently remove the User.

  • Deactivate - deactivate the User (you'll still be able to view their sub-page for data tracking).

  • Add to Group - add the User to one or multiple Groups at once.

  • Add Skills - add newly gained Skills and remove any you've previously added to the User, that may no longer be relevant.

If you want to make changes for multiple Users at once, select the checkbox in the Name column, to activate these bulk actions...

  • Delete Users - permanently delete these Users.

  • Message Users - Managers can send a direct message to this User.

  • Re-Send Invites - send another batch of welcome emails to Users yet to onboard.

  • Deactivate Users - deactivate Users (you'll still be able to view their sub-pages for data tracking).

  • Add Users to Group - add multiple Users to the same Group(s).

  • Change Org User Role - update the role for all selected Users.

Note: If you're adding new Users to your workspace, manually by invite or bulk CSV upload, and you forget to add their Start Date, you won't be able to add it once they've joined.

Users added via your HRIS or SFTP file, will have the tag, next to their username. You will be able to complete these same options, except to Delete or Deactivate them.

Note: If a User is deleted directly from your HRIS/SFTP, they won't be deleted from your workspace, but will be deactivated.

Two additional columns that now contribute to the data table, include:

  • Total Skills - the number of complete Skills a User holds.

  • Focus Skills - the set of Skills a User is specifically working on improving, as part of their Job role.

Export a full list of all your Users or use our Filters and Columns to create a custom report.

Users Sub-page

Deep dive into specific individuals to see insight into how they are performing:

  • Learning History - see all the content they have been assigned to, what they have completed and when, plus any tags that have been added by their Manager.

    Note: The Completed summary card will display the recorded value to the nearest whole number, meaning...

    • Completion % equals 0.5 or more, it will be rounded up to 1% on the summary card.

    • Completion % equals 0.4 or less, it will be rounded down to 0%.

    So for example:

    • 296 content items are assigned to User A

    • Only 2 have been completed so far

    • Calculation: 2/296 x 100 = 0.68%

    • Summary Card will show 1%

    Or with larger numbers:

    • 300 content items are assigned to User B

    • 67 have been completed so far

    • Calculation: 67/300 x 100 = 22.3%

    • Summary Card will show 22%

  • Assessments - see all the Assessments they have been assigned to, the ratio of completed/assigned, % passed, average result (%) and % marked.

  • Achievements - our one-stop-shop to see all of a Users achievements! Find all pending and achieved Badges and Certificates here.

  • Skills - see all the Skills a User has, whether they have been endorsed and by whom. Managers and Admins will be able to add a Skill to a User here, by selecting the Add Skills button.

    • Managers may find the following columns useful for reviewing their User's Skill progress:

      • Focus Skills - same as on the main Users page.

      • Number of Reviews - the number of unique Reviews given across all of their Skills collectively. This is helpful for identifying which Users are engaging with their knowledge development.

Note✨: Managers and Admins can Review their team members from the User sub-page. Find out more in our article: How to Review your team member's Skills.

Note : Don't forget these points to remember:

  • For SCORM Courses, progress shown is based on the completion of the entire SCORM course, including passing any knowledge checks (if a pass mark has been set on the SCORM side).

  • To enhance loading times across your organisation's learning space - giving you a greater user experience - we have removed the sorting option on a select few columns.

  • You'll also be able to view the sub-page for deactivated Users, easing the compliance reporting process. The sub-page will behave the same as that of an active User, except:

    • Updates made to content for active Users, won't be reflected on the insights for deactivated Users.

      • Deleted content - the content and data for the deactivated User, will still appear in their Learning History

      • Updated content (e.g., lesson added) - this won't be updated for deactivated Users.

      • Completion Status and Progress won't change for deactivated Users, if content is updated.

    • There will be a red "Deactivated" icon as a reminder

Check out our video tutorial below.

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