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How to Review your team members' Skills
How to Review your team members' Skills

Your Users hold an array of Skills that Managers and Admin can review on their own accord - here's how...

Aaron-Spencer avatar
Written by Aaron-Spencer
Updated over a month ago

Giving your Users the power to request Skills Reviews, assures them that the right senior team members are verifying their level of expertise.

Now, Managers and Admins don't have to wait for that request - they can simply go to their chosen User, and submit a review, independently.

❗It's important to remember that Users won't have their requests responded to, if the User has been deleted/deactivated from your organisation's workspace. In this instance, it's recommended to share comms, reminding both Reviewers and Requesters to make note of any Skills Reviews that have been pending, before their departure.

It allows Reviewers to flag to other senior team members, the requests still pending, so they can inform the User (Requester), to re-send it, to another person.

There are two pages from which you can begin the process...

Skills sub-page (for Focus Skills)

  1. On the main Skills page, select your Skill to open the sub-page.

Once opened, click on the value shown within the Number of Reviews column, for your desired User.

This will open the slide out screen, allowing you to Add your Skill Review, by clicking the (+) sign.

The Skill Level pop-up will appear, allowing you to complete your Review and save your choice. The updated Review will show on the column value, and your name will appear in the slide out screen's list, so other Managers/Admins can see what Level you gave to the User.

4. You can always update your Review choice, by re-selecting the column value (which will have now updated to "2 Users" - in this example), and select the edit pencil icon, to re-open the Review pop-up.

The Last Updated column will correspond with when the latest Review that's been given, regardless from which page across your workspace, it was submitted from.

Users sub-page

You can endorse from the User's sub-page, when selecting the Skills tab.

The options to leave an endorsement, are the same as on the Skills sub-page, above.

Tasks page > Review Skill tab

You can always Review Skills that have been requested from Users, by visiting your Tasks page, and selecting the Review Skill tab.
Selecting the 3-dot menu will allow you to open the Skill Review pop-up and submit their competency level, same as shown in the other two pages.

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