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Troubleshooting progress tracking for SCORM Courses
Troubleshooting progress tracking for SCORM Courses

For if your User has Completed a SCORM Course but the Dashboard says otherwise.

Ryan Collier avatar
Written by Ryan Collier
Updated over a week ago

When a User interacts with a SCORM Course the data is saved to the SCORM Cloud. The SCORM Cloud will send this data to HowNow, and that data will then show on the Dashboard. This includes Completion Status, Assessment results and time spent on the Course.

If a User has Completed the Course but the Dashboard doesn’t show this, here are some things to consider:

  • Has the User had the Completion Event? Or rather, has the User done what is required, as per the rules set by the SCORM provider, to actually ‘Complete’ the Course?

    Examples can be:

    • Reaching the final slide.

    • Watching the videos in full without skipping parts.

    • Passing the Assessment.

    • Exiting the Course in a certain way and not simply closing the tab of the Browser.

    • Opening the achieved Certificate before exiting the Course.

    If you’re unsure what the Completion Event for the Course is then you can contact the SCORM Course provider for the rules. If it is a SCORM Course that has been obtained through HowNow+ then contact HowNow Support for these rules.

  • Has the User reopened the Course since Completing it?
    If they open the Course again they will see the following warning telling them if they Proceed, it will reset their progress.

  • Did they have the Course open in multiple tabs?
    If the User Completes the SCORM Course but has it progressing in another tab, then it can affect the Completion recording. To get around this, they will need to close the tab they completed the SCORM Course in last.

  • Has the SCORM file been replaced in the Course?
    Depending on the Completion Tracking rules that are chosen when creating the SCORM Course on HowNow, changing the SCORM file on the Course can reset the User's Progress.

    If the rule is When all lessons are Complete, replacing a SCORM file will reset the progress of anyone who has started or Completed the Course.

    If the rule is When one lesson is Complete, any User who started or Completed the SCORM file that has been replaced, will have their progress reset.

Note✨: Some additional points related to tracking SCORM completion include:

  • SCORM Courses can only be retaken by Users, only if these parameters are set by the SCORM creator themselves (this is not done via HowNow).

  • If a SCORM file is deleted from the SCORM Course, and a new file is uploaded in its place, Users' Completion Status and Date will remain, while the Assessment Score will be removed.

  • We updated how your SCORM files open, to improve accuracy when tracking completion: in a new window. Some Users may face a "pop-up blocker" message beforehand, but this will provide the option to launch the course.

    • You can can always remove pop-up blocker, by selecting the settings from your browser.

  • For SCORM Courses that have an Expiry Date included, all Users' progress is stored in our HowNow database, and is also updated on the SCORM Cloud, to ensure the file progress resets, once the Expiry Date arrives.

  • Time Spent and Completion often go hand-in-hand, but it's important to remember that the time spent learning a SCORM Course is locked-in, once the User has completed the Course for the first time. This means no matter whether the User is deactivated-reactivated, or re-attempts the SCORM Course Assessment, the User will always remain with the same amount of Time Spent.

For more on the expectations for tracking SCORM Courses compliance, read: Understanding SCORM Course Compliance.

If you’ve investigated those points and the progress still isn’t being tracked for your Users, then please contact Support, who can take a look into this for you.

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