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How to use each of the Custom Rules

Assign your Users to the right content at the right time, by incorporating the various Rules available.

Aaron-Spencer avatar
Written by Aaron-Spencer
Updated over 4 months ago

Understand the below Rules, so that you can get a clearer idea of how best you can use them to assign the right users to the right content.

"Joined" Rule

This is great for onboarding New Starters. You can use the following example Rules to ensure content assigned to your new team members, reaches them directly, giving them something to work on as part of their first days/week with you:

Joined > Organisation > Less than or Exactly > [10] days ago

Joined > Organisation > On or After > 25 September

You can also use the Joined > Organisation Rule to review the knowledge held by your existing team members, by assigning them to content as a way of reviewing what they know 6 months since joining:

Joined > Organisation > Between > 1 April - 1 Sept

You can always ensure the right Groups or individuals who've joined a Group, get access to the right information, using the following:

Joined Group > Communication Interns > After > 25 September

"Enrolled" Rule

Great for creating or adding to Learning Pathways, this Rule enables you to assign Users to extra materials needed for their development.

You can add to a User's learning journey by giving them access to additional information that will help them to upskill. One example you may wish to use is:

Enrolled > Course > Product Design > Less than or Exactly > [20] days ago

If you have content from elsewhere within the organisation that will bring value to their learning, then you can provide them access this way.

"Completed" Rule

Having knowledge experts within your organisation can only be a good thing. To help create more of these, you can apply the following Completed Rule to target specific users, who've studied specific content:

Completed > Webinar > Webinar on Performance > between > 1 Aug - 1 Sept

Not forgetting the fact that you can future-proof learning journeys, to reduce your workload (and worry) by providing access to forthcoming members of your organisation. You could use the following Rule to work ahead:

Completed > Assessment > Assessment (Leadership 101) > On > Sept 25
For Live Classes and Webinars, users must select the "Join Session" button on the landing page. They'll be taken to the live class that has been set up by the author. It is only when they've clicked this button that their attendance will be marked as "Joined" and the Live Class/Webinar will be dubbed "completed".
For Events, users can either select the notification pop-up related to the event, or have the author/event host mark their attendance as "Present" from the Bookings page. Once confirmed, users will be able to receive notifications granting them access to the next content in their learning experience, for example.

"Achieved" Rule

Skills play a big part in how well your organisation will operate. Skilled employees mean better productivity and career development. You can add the Skills Rule to ensure your users who need to improve their level, will be able to access the right content.

Here are some examples you could create:

Achieved > Assessment Result > Assessment for Kim > Between > 20% - 60%

Achieved > Skill Level > Product Managment > is > 4

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