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The HowNow lingo

A glossary of words you'll commonly see when you use HowNow

Ryan Collier avatar
Written by Ryan Collier
Updated over a week ago

User Role: This determines what you can do on HowNow. We have 4 in total = Admin, Manager, Contributor or Read Only

Admin: This User Role has access to the entire platform.

Announcements: Pieces of knowledge you want to share or are shared with you. They'll typically show up in your Announcements section on your Learning Space/Workspace.

Apps: The tools you work with on a regular basis. From Google Drive, to Slack, Confluence.

API: 'Application Programming Interface' is a tool that allows different applications to talk to each other.

Assessments: From quizzes to open questions and multimedia questions. A clear way for users to see their strengths and weaknesses across different subject matters.

Badges: Receive Badges when a lesson or section has been completed, motivating you to keep consistent with your learning.

Bookings: Events, Live Classes and Webinars that you've booked on to, or have been auto-enrolled onto.

Cards: These are the squares you see on your Learning Space and in the Studio, that represent the content across the platform.

Commonly Used File: When integrating your tools, you can search for your files within the HowNow platform, which appears at the bottom of the page.

Collaborators: A Collaborator can be added to support you when creating and editing your content.

Contributor: A contributor will be able to create and publish content for their Team Members to view, as well as access all the amazing content (internal and third party) on the Learning Space. 

Course: Longer form, formal learning pathways for more in-depth learning focused on a specific topic.

Certificates: Certificates to celebrate your achievements for completing specific sections or Lessons of a Course.

Channels: Topics of content that you can subscribe to. Once you subscribe to a Channel, relevant curated content will show up dynamically on your feed. 

Custom Tags: A great way for Admins and Managers to communicate with each other by adding short notes or keywords to User or Content Insights.

Dashboard: What's under the hood of your Learning Platform.

Deadline: The date and time by which a User must have completed an Assessment.

Downloads: Content that can be consumed offline on the Mobile App.

Events: In-real-life or hybrid events for Learning and Development.

Expiry Date: The date from which assigned Users must re-do a content item (excluding Nuggets), usually as part of compliance training (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.).

Filter: Drop-down options for you to tailor your results.

Learning Groups: How you group together your users to make sure it's easy to assign content.

HowNow Browser Extension: It's your new best friend!

Insights:  Information about the performance of your Learning Platform.

Integrations: HowNow integrates into your share drives (OneDrive, GoogleDrive), CRMs, and the daily tools you use.

Learning Budget: The Learning Budget allows you to allocate a budget for Users to spend towards extra learning resources including books, conferences and materials related to their personal and professional development, all in the name of upskilling themselves!

Learning Pathways: Create a personalised learning journey for your Team Members, to guide them to, and through, the right content, at the right time, developing their skills and knowledge as they progress.

Live Class: Live Classes are smaller, instructor-led sessions that encourage more social learning and knowledge sharing such as an Onboarding session or team upskilling workshop.

Manager: Another of our User Roles, which give you the ability to share content and assess progress and skill development.

HowNow Mobile app: You can now share knowledge and digest content no matter where you are working from.

Must Do: Essential or compliance-related content - this is super important!

My Library: This is where you can access content that's in progress, see your Must Dos, content shared with you, your History and upcoming or past Bookings.

Nuggets:  You might visualise some type of fried chicken at first but in the HowNow jargon, Nugget is a piece of knowledge worth sharing with others: quickly, easily and efficiently. 

Pending: Content awaiting verification. It's important that all content sourced is giving the green light by an expert on the subject, that way, you can be reassured that what you're learning is up-to-date with industry standards.

Playlist: Bring together different content types (Courses, Nuggets, Events, etc.) by housing them all inside one Nugget as a playlist.

Profile: Here is where you have full control over your working space and personal settings.

Read Only: These Users will only be able to learn.

Renewal Cycle: A feature allowing you to reassign content to people after they've completed it. Great for yearly compliance modules!

Replays: Recorded Live Classes and Webinars that users can play back and/or watch in their own time.

Request Approval: The process of requesting the spend of a Learning budget.

SCORM: 'Shareable Content Object Reference Model', is a series of standard requirements necessary for e-learning software to communicate course content between the user, and the tech system. Resulting in awesome courses pre-packaged as one SCORM file.

Skills Mapping: You can add Skills when creating content - associating it with the relevant Skill.

Studio: Create Nuggets, Courses, Live Classes and upload SCORM Courses from the Studio.

Tasks: Important to-dos - verify content, respond to approval requests and mark completed Assessments.

Top Picks: The best and most engaging content will appear as Top Picks in the carousel on your HowNow homepage.

Top-Up Request: A great feature allowing you to spend more on the same learning content.

Trending: The most popular topics, with the most views from members, and also the latest news from within your industry.

Users: These are the wonderful people who are invested in their personal and professional development, by taking Courses and engaging with content on HowNow!

Verification Interval: The amount of time a Verifier has to make sure that the content submitted is still accurate.

Verifier: The expert on your team responsible for checking the quality of the information provided in a Nugget or a Course.

Webinar: An opportunity to broadcast to up to 10000 viewers at once.

Workspace: At times referred to as the 'Learning Space', this word describes the entire platform used by your organisation. Powered by HowNow, yes, but created by your genius L&D team!

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